Administration features

Billing system

I save a lot of time on billing. You could say that for most of the month I can "forget" that I have billing on my mind. At the end of the month I issue them quickly with the app!
Generate automatic billing at the end of the month with one click!
Start free trialMobile payments

Every parent can instantly pay the bill through the app. But most importantly, he/she is clear about the amount. Since I got LiveKid, the questions about who should pay how much are over.
Get fast, convenient and secure mobile transfers from your parents.
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Setting up charges

It happens that thanks to the application I catch errors in some of our logs! In the previous application, billing took me a whole day or two. I don't even think about the days of manual billing...
Create your own templates and payment rules, suitable for your institution.
Start free trialE-journal
As of this year, we have been keeping electronic journals using the app. We are really pleased! The electronic version is more convenient and less labour intensive.
It allows you to switch to keeping records in electronic form, which you can conveniently and quickly print out in case of an inspection.
Sending orders to catering

Every day we save at least 15 minutes ordering meals with the LiveKid application. That's a minimum of 30 hours saved per month!
Generate automatic catering orders taking into account the presence of children.
Start free trialUnlimited child activity history
Check all information and notes related to a particular child in one place.
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